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In Buddhism, generosity is at the heart of what community means. Buddhist community is active and participative. It's through generosity that we experience what Buddhist community is, and in the same act create something for others too. Members of our Buddhist community give their time for free to lead or support classes and other events. All our Buddhism and meditation classes are given freely. Our finances are based on “dana” (generosity) and we rely on the generosity of visitors and supporters to keep the Centre and its activities alive and available. People can give in many ways and we would like to make it easy for people to contribute in whatever way they are able to. If you would like to join our band of volunteers who help to keep the Centre running you can find out more here. Cambridge Buddhist Centre is part of a worldwide Buddhist community, The Triratna Buddhist Community(link is external). Our Centre Team undertakes the day-to-day running of the Buddhist Centre.
retreat, Buddhist tradition,compassion and wisdom, problems of all living beings, suffering, enjoy, everlasting happiness, International Events, Buddha, Buddhist Union, Meditation, mind relax, calm, prayer, god, spiritual, yoga, , What is Meditation?, The Benefits of Meditation, temple, cultural heritage, Reduced irritation, self-esteem, inner peace, better relationships, anger & frustration, worry & anxiety,

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