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When we take a close look at our life, we discover that essentially most of our time and energy is devoted to mundane activities, such as seeking material and emotional security, enjoying sensory pleasures, establishing a good reputation and so forth. Although these things might make us happy for a short time, we need to ask if they are providing the deep lasting contentment that we long for. Is this as good as it gets? Sooner or later, we find that these moments of temporary happiness turn right back into dissatisfaction and once more we find ourselves engaged in the pursuit of more worldly pleasures. And so goes the cycle.
retreat, Buddhist tradition, Reduced irritation, self-esteem, inner peace, better relationships, anger & frustration, worry & anxiety,compassion and wisdom, problems of all living beings, suffering, enjoy, everlasting happiness, International Events, Buddha, Buddhist Union, Meditation, mind relax, calm, prayer, god, spiritual, yoga, What is Meditation?, The Benefits of Meditation, temple, cultural heritage

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