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Kinetic Natural Product Distributors
Despite coming from very different professional backgrounds, Alexander and his brother Kim founded Kinetic in the early 1990s with the aim of delivering high quality, natural brands to the UK. Alexander, whose background had covered fashion, music and PR, joined forces with Kim, who had enjoyed success in the financial and property worlds, and Kinetic was born.
The idea of Kinetic is to have an independent distributor that offers brand leaders which in some way enhance a natural lifestyle. The company's first major deal was struck with the American family-owned organic body care range JASÖN®, which was already massively popular in the States and today remains one of Kinetic's most popular brand. Later, Alexander spent time in America to learn more about the kind of products they wanted to market and during his time there he discovered NATURE'S ANSWER®, which became another brand Kinetic began distributing in the UK.
UK Address:
Kinetic Enterprises Ltd
Unit 1, Central Park, Central Way, London, NW10 7FY
+44 (0) 3450 725 825
Kinetic Natural Product Distributors
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