Land of Joy - Online Catalog

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Land of Joy
Land of Joy was founded in 2010 under the spiritual guidance of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, with our first retreat held in May 2015. Our stunning location in the quiet and peaceful Northumberland National Park provides the perfect setting for people to disconnect from everyday life while having the space to discover or reconnect with a different perspective.
We honour the work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and are affiliated to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), which is part of the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
As a residential retreat centre run by volunteers, we provide a full retreat program throughout the year. This includes introductory courses and retreats, universal weekends and tantric retreats of various lengths.
We are always striving to improve as a centre, currently working towards expanding accommodation and practice area options and building individual retreat huts, while branching out to form more connections with our local community through the development of a regular meditation group and some form of hospice service in the future.
Please keep an eye on this website to see how we get on with fulfilling these aims and come and be a part of the retreats and courses that are already happening or offer your time and expertise by coming to volunteer with us if you can.
Everyone is welcome at Land of Joy
Land of Joy
Greenhaugh Hall
NE48 1PP
01434 240412

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